February 27, 2024

A Lesson I Learnt While Working in Corporate That Radically Changed My Approach To Problem Solving

When I was 35 and deeply entrenched in the corporate world, I learned a lesson from my manager at the time Chris Howarth that I'll never forget:

Play With Cards You Are Dealt.

Here's what happened:

We were going through a corporate merger at the time.

For those of you who have been through a merger process, you will appreciate how messy and unsettling they can be.

I was deep in the Victim Triangle bitching to Chris about some issues I was having with my new team

Halfway through my monologue he stopped me and said:

"Roger... learn to play with the cards you are dealt"

This advice hit me like a ton of bricks and triggered a significant evolution in my approach to problem-solving.

Treat Life Like A Game, Just With Higher Stakes

In many ways, life is the ultimate game.

Understanding the rules of the game is key to playing and winning.

If you get dealt a poor hand in poker, you can't throw your hands up in the air and ask for better cards

Either fold or play to win by bluffing.

In the same way, if you are dealt a poor hand in life, either fold or play out the hand to the best of your ability.

Bitching and moaning about the cards you get dealt in life gets you nowhere!

For more perspective,