January 26, 2024

Why you should always hold the line

This image of Steve Benjamin, Didier Noirot and myself was shot on the 28th of June 2008.

We were on a shoot to film the annual sardine run off the east coast of South Africa.

The previous year we had failed to secure any significant footage.

Producer Hugh Pearson had gambled all his chips and extended the shoot for a final push.

The day after this image was taken we hit the jackpot and Didier was able to film a remarkable set of rushes which anchored the entire film.

Moral of the Story - Hold the Line!

Wildlife shoots such as these take a great deal of nerve and patience

The trick I have found is to absolutely believe that it could happen at any time.

Because it absolutely can.

All you can do is be 100% ready, so that when it happens, you do not miss!