January 6, 2024

Why I Am Starting To Write Online Everday

Dickie Bush and Nicholas Cole are prolific digital writers who sold me on the value of developing a daily digital writing habit.

Here are three of their arguments which resonated the most:

  1. Rapid Fire Feedback Loops - Through digital writing on platforms like Twitter/X you get rapid-fire feedback on an idea or thought in twenty seconds. This allows you to learn, grow your audience, and develop a writing style that engages your audience way faster than doing it the old-school analogue way.
  2. Find and Build Your Audience as You Write - By Practicing in Public, you not only find out which ideas resonate, you also build an audience of followers at the same time
  3. Scaling Yourself - By posting your ideas and thoughts daily, you are effectively replicating your thinking 10x, 100x, 1000x. This aspect of leverage massively increases the odds of connecting with others and sparking future value-creation opportunities down the line.

In the spirit of emergence, over the next 30 days, I plan on writing about Wildlife Cinematography, The Creator Economy and Being a Human Animal

Excited to get your feedback along the way!